less than 1 minute read

I have created an icon font set for competitive coding / programming (similar to Academicons).

If you want the icons seen on the left, feel free to take a look at it here. Contributions are always welcome.

Short instructions for Jekyll:Permalink

  1. Clone compcodicons

     git clone https://github.com/cschindlbeck/compcodicons
  2. Copy font files (compcodicons.woff,compcodicons.tff) to assets/fonts

  3. Copy compcodicons.css file to assets/css

  4. Include css file in _includes/head.html:

       <link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/compcodicons.css">
  5. Add to _config.yaml:

         - label: "Hackerrank"
           icon: "cci cci-hackerrank"
           url: "https://www.hackerrank.com/schindlbeck"
