Hi there, Iā€™m Chris! šŸ‘‹

I am a DevOps Engineer with background in Robotics, AI, and Blockchain.

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šŸ› ļø My Tool and Skill Stack

Programming & Scripting Languages

python c cpp bash rust solidity lua markdown YAML

DevOps & Cloud Technologies

docker kubernetes ansible terraform aws github github_ci github_pages gitlab gitlab_ci azure_devops vault packer

Tools & Frameworks & Libraries

ROS git Vim neovim opencv numpy Pytest tmux homebrew wezterm jira VSCode zsh prettier

Operating Systems

Linux Arch Fedora Debian Ubuntu Kali Windows

Web Development

react html css mui javascript bootstrap flask

Domain Knowledge

šŸ… My Certifications


See my certifications on šŸ‘‰šŸ» Credly

šŸ“ˆ My Github Stats

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ā™˜ My Lichess Stats

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    2130 ā”¤                                                              ā•­
    2042 ā”¤                                                              ā”‚
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    1338 ā”¤ ā•°ā”€ā•Æ
    1250 ā”¤

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Last update: 30.12.2024 22:23:41

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